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סוכית בע"מ | רחוב עמל 13

פארק אפק, ראש העין

טלפון: 03-90-33-999

Picture 1116 - 1121_0 Ennis Ireland Flip

שיטות התקנה:

חפוי באמצעות פרופילים - TS300 Invisible Fixing

Clare County Council HQ, Ennis, Ireland. TS300 Invisible fixing using profiled edges

This document is intended to provide general recommendations only.

Trespa provides these guidelines and all testing, code and design data for informational purposes only and strongly advises that the customer, project owner and architect seek independent advice from a certified construction professional and/or engineer regarding application and installation as well as compliance with design requirements, applicable codes, laws and regulations, and test standards. Please check your local codes and applicable design requirements for proper use.

TS300 Invisible (concealed) fixing using profiled edges

This system is ideally suited to quickly install large uninterrupted façade surfaces offering a grid with horizontal lines. Trespa® Meteon® panels with a minimum thickness of 8 mm may be installed by fitting their profiled horizontal edges into continuous aluminium TS300 rails. Panel edges are designed to mask the aluminum profiles used to install the Trespa® Meteon® panels.

TRESPABourneville9Aug11 12 Birminghan UK

Bournville College, Birmingham, UK. TS300 Invisible fixing using profiled edges

Overview of available certificates

The following overview provides you with a general and non-binding indication of certificates in relation to fixing system TS300: invisible (concealed) fixing using profiled edges commonly used by Trespa customers in specific countries. To consult full details of available certificates please visit

General installation details

Cavity depth and ventilation

For a continuous ventilation behind the panel, Trespa recommends the free air cavity depth between the rainscreen cladding and the insulation or wall construction to be between 20 and 50 mm, in order to allow for ambient air to flow through from the ventilation inlets and outlets. Ventilation inlets and outlets must be the equivalent of minimum 50 square cm per linear meter over the whole façade. Cavity depth as well as ventilation inlets and outlets must be in accordance with applicable building standards, regulations and certificates.


The horizontal aluminium rails can be fixed on a vertical timber or aluminium subframe. Trespa® Meteon® panels must be installed on a subframe of sufficient strength and permanent durability. Quality and/or treatment of the subframe must be in accordance with applicable building standards, regulations and certificates. Some countries may allow the use of a stainless/galvanized steel subframe. Please consult the certificate or contact your local Trespa representative.

Fixing detail

  • TS300 can only be used for horizontal single-field spans. As a result, the maximum panel height is limited

  • Not all joint solutions are possible with 8 mm thick Trespa® Meteon® panels

  • To retain position each panel must have one glued fixed point (with proprietary adhesive system e.g. polyurethane) on the bottom rail central in the panel length

Overview of technical installation details

The following table gives a general overview of some of the most significant technical installation details in those countries where this fixing system is commonly used. For details of certification see: Overview of available certificates.

In certain countries specific certification requirements may apply. For countries in which a certificate for this fixing system is available, the following table presents a summary of the certificate. For countries in which no certificate for this fixing system may be available, the information given in the following table only contains an advise as to the installation commonly used by Trespa customers, as based on Trespa’s experience. For all countries Trespa strongly advises that the customer, project owner and architect seek independent advice from a construction professional regarding the accordance to national and/or local building regulations of fixing systems.

The information below does not contain all requirements with regard to the certificates. For design and installation, the complete certificate(s) must be considered. To consult these certificates, please visit


Panel thickness

TS300 Panel Thickness.png

* For other panel lenghts, please consult the certificate.

Maximum panel dimension

TS300 Max Panel Dimensions.png

Joint Width

TS300 Joint Width.png

* For other panel lenghts, please consult the certificate.

Based on applicable building standards, regulations or certificates, wider joints may be permissible.

Minimum dimensions subframe

Recommended maximum panel height

TS300 Recomm Max Panl Height.png

* The maximum permitted fixing distances shown have been designed with a maximum (wind) load of 600 N/ m² and maximum deflection of L/200.
** Based on the surface properties of Gloss panels, the fixing distances are reduced.

​Fixing distances must be calculated in accordance with applicable local standards, regulations and certificates and should be verified by a structural engineer. For more information about deflection and wind loads, please visit



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All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and other rights regarding the content of the Website and this print generated from the Website (including logos, trademarks, service marks, software, databases, audio, video, text and photographs) are owned by Trespa and/or its licensors. Trespa®, Meteon®, Athlon®, TopLab®, TopLabPLUS ®, TopLabECO-FIBRE ®, Virtuon®, Volkern®, Trespa Essentials® and Mystic Metallics® are registered trademarks of Trespa.

All oral and written statements, offers, quotations, sales, supplies, deliveries and/or agreements and all related activities of Trespa are governed by the Trespa General Terms and Conditions of Sale (Algemene verkoopvoorwaarden Trespa International B.V.) filed with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Noord- en Midden- Limburg in Venlo (NL) on 11 April 2007 under number 24270677, which can be found on and downloaded from the Trespa website,

All oral and written statements, offers, quotations, sales, supplies, deliveries and/or agreements and all related work of Trespa North America, Ltd. are governed by the Trespa General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which can be found on and downloaded from the Trespa North America Ltd. website, A copy of these general conditions of sale will be provided free of charge on request.

סוכית בע"מ | רחוב עמל 13

פארק אפק, ראש העין

טלפון: 03-90-33-999

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